The article describes the problem of qualitative training of highly qualified specialists for the tourism industry. It presents the model of formation of professional competence of specialists. There are also the basic problems of the domestic system of training personnel for the tourism industry on programs of additional professional education. The author provides information about foreign experience of personnel training organization in tourism sphere of activity. The article is devoted to the methodology of stepwise solution of existing problems of personnel training for tourist industry in Russia. The study uses the methodology of theory of constraints system (TOC) by E. Goldratt, which is built on logical reasoning and providing answers to three main questions to the management of improving transformations: 1) what limits the development (improvement); 2) what needs to be sent to change limits, its complete elimination, expansion limiting boundaries and so on; 3) how to implement this change. The article shows the algorithm of building of logical circuits called E. Goldratt’s «current reality tree» (CRT) and «future reality tree» (FRT). Analyzing the dendrogram, the author comes to the conclusion that the greatest factor of the local tourism development is the mismatch of curricula to the needs of tourism organizations that can be solved by joint work of the educational organizations of secondary professional and higher education and additional professional education with professional unions, associations and other unions of organizations in the tourism sphere. This conclusion is reinforced by findings based on the analysis and generalization of training professionals experience in tourism business abroad. The necessity of cluster approach to the organization of training, including the cooperation of organizations of higher and additional professional education with professional tourism community is proved.
additional professional education, quality of education, competence, cluster approach, theory of constraints systems
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