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Abstract (English):
Today interactive methods are increasingly used along with traditional teaching methods in higher education. The use of interactive technologies contributes to the active involvement of students in the learning process, promotes the awakening of their cognitive and creative initiative, forms their teamwork skills, ensures the formation of critical thinking, analysis and self-analysis skills, and promotes the development of students' communicative competencies, including those related to future professional activities. Practical exercises in the format of business or role playing games contribute to the effective solution of these tasks. The game is a special kind of interaction, during which a certain fragment of real life is simulated, with the subsequent freedom of activity for the participants of the game. Creating and running a role-playing game is a complex process that requires a preparatory stage, including the writing of a game scenario, a clear distribution of roles between participants, the actual running of the game itself and the stage of reflection, analysis of the achieved results, and the mutual and self-evaluation of the players' activities. The authors share their experience of a business game in form of a job interview on the subjects on "Ethics in business communication", on "Business Russian language", and "Russian language and culture of speech." The article describes the technology for preparing and running a business game, and gives detailed recommendations on how to use it. Thus, the authors of the article with their own pedagogical experience confirm the fact that the business game is a demanded method of interactive learning, which allows activating cognitive activity of students, and contributes to the formation of business communication skills and the personality of a future specialist.

interactive methods of teaching, simulation of professional situation, business game
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