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Abstract (English):
The article studies the basic approaches to the project activities in the preparation of "Hospitality" and "Tourism” bachelors’ graduation qualification thesis (GQT). The study revealed that trends in tourism and hospitality associated with the concept of the experience economy, which requires not only an integrated knowledge of basic training, but also knowledge from various related scientific fields. Author’s approach to the concept classification of the hotel companies was proposed for GQT in the form of a startup. This classification includes theme of hotels, where it can be implemented in the form of development on the territory of tourist and hotel complexes, private museums, comprehensive centers, (archaeological, ethnographic, architectural, natural landscape), museums in the open air, the Park hotels, village houses, ecological farms and all forms of private, family business. For projects there was proposed to use the model of the concept development including tourist areas and tourist and hotel complexes, compiled by the author. It consists of the following stages of design: development of a themed space, separated areas and exhibitions; means of formalization-themed space and the creation of interactive zones; development of interactive programs of theatricality, role-playing games, reconstruction of historical and cultural situations of different periods; development of art and craft workshops and learning crafts, traditions, rituals, dances etc. The article proposes the structure of the GQT in the form of a startup in the following content: marketing research of the investment attractiveness of the region; design solutions and feasibility study; development of measures to launch tourist and hotel enterprises; calculations of the efficiency of the project. A group of universal competencies can be implemented in the development of a startup at the GQT. These competencies are "UK-2 – development and implementation of projects" identified in the new Federal state educational standard (3++) in Hospitality and in the new Federal state educational standard (3++) in Tourism. The article proves that the future graduate needs to understand not only basic technologies but also in the concepts of development of tourist and hotel complexes as from the point of view of the development of space-planning decisions, interior design, as from the point of view of quality development of interactive, entertainment and corporate programs; theatrical process; promotiton through the use of innovative technologies, etc.

trends in the experience industry, the concept of hotels, development of tourist areas, tourist and recreational design, hospitality design activities
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