Penza, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Management of tourist destinations abroad over many years is the subject of research and practical elaborations. The key aim of destination management is ensuring its competitiveness. To achieve this goal, experts offer a variety of approaches, methods, mechanisms. Based on the composition of the management system for tourist destinations, the article presents the trends in this field which are pertinent to Russia. First of all, to such trends can be related development of tourist resources as creation and promotion of conceptual tourist resources. A relatively new trend is the development of private and corporate museums. To Russian trends in destination management can be attributed integration of tourist sites in the tourism industry due to a more comprehensive utilization of tourist technologies in display and interpretation. Of course, an important trend is the development of information technologies in tourism, tourist navigation systems. To the list of trends should be added diversification of tourism products of destinations through the development of new types of tourism. The article shows the transition to the tourism product customization by offering tourists the opportunity to form desired tour packages. The article presents the results of the analysis of governance in the management of tourist destinations. The article substantiates the conclusion that tourist destinations are transformed from usual tourist regions into territorial structural units of the tourism industry, with extensive capabilities to meet diverse needs of tourism; resulting in: development of new types of tourism and forming conceptual tourism products; improvement of tourism infrastructure, including its information and service components; improving the quality of services provided. For businesses also uncover some opportunities in terms of entrepreneurial initiatives.
tourist destination, trends, factors, management
Управленческий аспект в отношении такого объекта, как туристская дестинация, в отечественной научной и практической литературе стал предметом дискуссии сравнительно недавно. Туристский регион или территория — более привычные для российских исследователей объекты анализа. Зарубежный опыт, наоборот, основным элементом в туризме признает именно дестина-цию. Проблематика управления туристской дестинацией активно стала обсуждаться за рубежом в начале XXI в., когда появились результаты важнейших исследований системы управления и конкурентоспособности туристских дестинации [7; 9]. В дальнейшем объектами изучения стали отдельные элементы системы менеджмента туристской
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