Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this article the author gives grounds to the necessity to refuse from the traditional understanding of a subject teacher having extensive and fundamental knowledge in his field and justifies the necessity to foster an aware teacher able to self-building and self-developing, to seek new meanings of his profession and able to build his model of activity and communication. In this turn the author gives a new definition of pedagogical communication as the process of professional and personal development through the mechanisms of creative interaction. In this article the author defines the es- sence and specific features of the process of the formation of pedagogical communication of a future teacher as a pedagogical, task-oriented, invariant, integrated, inside and outside determined, independent with its temporal and spatial dimensions. The author elaborates the pedagogical concept of the process including a range of criteria, factors, conditions, backgrounds and descriptors of the process under study. On the basis of the analyzed literature the author deduces logical relations and principles, draws certain conclusions and presents working knowledge of the research. The analysis of the methodological literature lets the author reveal the meaning of such terms as creative interaction, freedom of choice, proactive stance, dialogue-oriented communication, reflection, openness, which promote sponsorship for building the model of pedagogical communication of your own, for displaying internal mechanisms of self-development, building the program of development of your own. There search is done at the faculty of foreign languages of Kamchatka state pedagogical institute. The target audience is PhD candidates, researchers, lecturers at higher institutions, secondary school teachers and students of linguistic and non-linguistic faculties.

pedagogical communication, creative interaction, reflection, spiritual commonality, semantic context, self-development, self-improvement

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